Resolved Issue: DFW Grades Dashboard - Filter Controls Fixed

Update 11/19/2024:  
The DFW Grades dashboard has been updated in Campus Data Warehouse production to reorder the dashboard controls logically based on hierarchy and which controls control relevant values in subsequent controls. "Subject Description" is now ordered before "Academic Course Name."  

Original message: 

We are aware of the following issues on the DFW Grades dashboards and are working on a solution.
  • DFW Grades > Term Comparisons > Subject Description filter should come before Academic Course Name
  • DFW Grades > Trends > Subject Description filter should come before Academic Course Name

Ticket: 23413382 
Service: Report a Problem / Computer Software/Application Problem
Date created: Tue 10/1/24 11:46 AM Pacific Daylight Time

Title: DFW Grades (Class Enrollments) Dashboard: Visualization Problem in PRD

The following visualization problems need to be fixed on DFW Grades (Class Enrollment) dashboards in QS PRD:
Shared Folders / Dashboards > 
Grades   DFW Grades Term Comparisons Comments Subject Description filter should come before Academic Course Name
Grades   DFW Grades Trends Comments Subject Description filter should come before Academic Course Name

Documented in the following Google Sheet:

TSS-Help Desk, please assign to Michael Dorsch

Requested by: Michael Dorsch
Created by: Michael Dorsch on Tue 10/1/24 11:46 AM Pacific Daylight Time