Help - Report a Campus Data Warehouse Problem

To streamline problem reporting, Information Technology has consolidated software or application problem reporting into one service request in our campus ticketing system: 

Computer Software/Application Problem   

Use this service request form to report problems with Campus Data Warehouse.  

Please see the information below for tips on filling out this form. 

So that the Campus Data Warehouse team is appropriately assigned your problem ticket and can take action, please ensure the following:

  1. Fully complete the contact information at the top (e.g., "Requestor", "Department", "Customer Name", "What is the best way/time to get in touch with you", "Customer Contact Phone/Email", and "Location") so that we can follow up with you or the appropriate customer contact for additional details if necessary and inform you of the status of troubleshooting and resolution.
  2. For the "Software with Issue" field, enter "Campus Data Warehouse"
  3. For the "Subject" field, provide a concise statement of the problem you are reporting. If applicable, it helps to identify the dashboard with the problem in the subject. 
    • If a filter is not working on a particular dashboard you might use the structure: "[Insert Dashboard Name] [Insert Filter Name] Broken"
    • If data appears to be wrong or a data visualization is not working as expected you might use the structure: "[Insert Dashboard Name] visualization displays incorrect data for [Insert period or data grouping]" 
    • If you are having trouble logging in or accessing Campus Data Warehouse, you might use the structure: "Campus Data Warehouse Login Not Working"
  4. For the "Description" field, provide as much information as possible (especially any details you did not include in your short subject field description). At a minimum include the following:
    1. Dashboard Name where you saw the problem
    2. If the dashboard has multiple tabs at the top, also include the Page Name 
      • Example: Enrollment (Census) Terms Detail > Multilevel Crosstab Table

    3. A Screenshot of the problem (especially if there is an error message or incorrect data)
    4. Describe any filter selections or other modifications you made to the dashboard