Faculty Student Success > Missing Assignments Metric

The Campus Data Warehouse team is aware of a problem in production where the Missing Assignments presented on the Faculty Student Success dashboard include some assignments graded in Canvas. We are currently working on a solution.

This issue is being worked on in ITSR#23481754.

Ticket: 23481754 
Service: Report a Problem / Computer Software/Application Problem
Date created: Wed 10/16/24 9:53 AM Pacific Daylight Time

Title: Faculty Student Success > Missing Assignments Metric

All of the remaining Canvas metrics in this ticket look good except for the Missing Assignments.

See for example IST~501~90 in Fall 2023, faculty member Chris Beem (beem4029):

Canvas New Analytics displays 17 missing assignments in the Missing Assignments Reports. FSSD in QS displays 21 in tile at the top.

When looking at the individual assignments, it appears that there are some assignments considered "Missing' in FSSD in QS that are graded in Canvas. I asked the faculty member about this and the scenario is there are sometimes cases where a student may send a link to their assignment submission in a separate document to the faculty member and the faculty member counts that as a submission and grades it. You will see that in FSSD in QS for the individual assignments, the last four rows that do not appear in the Canvas table have been graded in the last column. Perhaps there should be a filter to exclude assignments from the Missing Assignments in FSSD if Graded % column > 0.

See existing Jira issue: https://csu-dw-modernization.atlassian.net/browse/CDM-5681 

Requested by: Michael Dorsch
Created by: Michael Dorsch on Wed 10/16/24 9:53 AM Pacific Daylight Time