Academic Plan and CSU Major Concentration Issues on Dashboards

The Campus Data Warehouse team is aware that several dashboards display Academic Plan filter controls, but CSU Major Concentration fields (e.g., College Description) are displayed as the default group breakdown. 

On Census snapshotted dashboards, this may result in some records appearing different between the Academic Plan and CSU Major Concentration fields due to the timing of when these data are "frozen" for the snapshot. The Academic Plan fields can reflect changes made to a student's academic plan between the Census and when the data are loaded into the Campus Data Warehouse. 

Example of mismatches between CSU Major Concentration and Academic Plan fields on Enrollment (Census) - Term Trends dashboard: 
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The solution we are pursuing is to enhance the Academic Plan dimension across several data models and to emphasize those fields on the dashboards as the default Group Breakdown selections going forward, but that development will take a few months and is not expected to be completed until sometime in Spring 2025. The CSU Major Concentration fields will remain available after these changes but will not be the default Group Breakdown selections and filtering on these fields has to be done via ad hoc dashboard filtering.

In the meantime, while these development changes are being worked on, you may continue to use the CSU Major Concentration Group Breakdown selections combined with ad hoc dashboard filters or filter using the Academic Plan filters on the dashboard combined with Academic Plan Group Breakdown selections.

Dashboard ad hoc filtering example:

Ticket: 23490788 
Service: Report a Problem / Computer Software/Application Problem
Date created: Thu 10/17/24 3:47 PM Pacific Daylight Time

Title: Academic Plan Filter and College/Major (CSU Major Concentration) Group Breakdown Mismatches

We have an issue across numerous dashboards in the modernized Campus Data Warehouse where Academic Plan filter controls appear on the dashboards but College Description (CSU Major Concentration dimension field) appears as the default group breakdown category and selection. Academic Plan and CSU Major Concentration are not equivalent and Academic Plan data can sometimes vary from CSU Major Concentration because it may reflect changes made in the few weeks between when a census snapshot occurs and when the data is loaded into the Campus Data Warehouse (results in confusion for users).

We need to make the default group breakdowns consistent with the filter controls displayed on the dashboards (i.e. set the Academic Plan Group Breakdown Category and selections as the default group breakdowns.

We also have some broader problems with the CSU Major Concentration dimension (e.g. ITSR#18337381 and ITSR#23477974 ) that would require redesign/modeling. We would be de-emphasizing these fields in the group breakdown defaults (they would remain available as Group Breakdown options and as ad hoc filters)

Note: We are missing some attributes in the Academic Plan dimension that will need to be added to the data models for functional equivalency to CSU Major Concentration dimension.

General steps that will be needed to address the problem:
  1. add missing attributes for the Academic Plan dimension in the data models (see Gap Analysis - Mjr Conc vs Acad Plan - Attributes)
  2. update the group breakdown hierarchy dataset (make Academic Plan and CSU Major Concentration categories/fields included consistent across data models and dashboards because right now there are variations)
  3. update group breakdown calculations in the datasets
  4. update analyses to change default group breakdown categories and selections

Dashboards and data models that will need updates are identified in Acad Plan Major Conc Impacts.

Examples of the problem:
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Requested by: Michael Dorsch
Created by: Michael Dorsch on Thu 10/17/24 3:47 PM Pacific Daylight Time