Resolved: APDB Census Snapshot Dates by Term - title and most recent census term corrected

Updated 12/4/2024: 

The "APDB Census Snapshot Dates by Term" linked dashboard on the Navigation and Help dashboard in Campus Data Warehouse production has been corrected to display the title "Academic Planning Database (APDB) Census Snapshot Dates by Term". The most recent APDB Census Snapshot term is also corrected.

Original issue: 

The Campus Data Warehouse team is aware of a problem with the APDB Census Snapshot  Dates by Term linked analysis on the Navigation and Help dashboard in production where the most recent APDB Census term is not updating as expected and the title is wrong. We are currently working on a solution. A resolution is estimated to be available by November 8.

This issue is being worked on in ITSR# 23523440. Date reported: Thu 10/24/24


Ticket: 23523440 
Date created: Thu 10/24/24 2:41 PM Pacific Daylight Time
Service: Report a Problem / Computer Software/Application Problem

Title: APDB Census Snapshot Dates by Term - title wrong and date not updated

The dashboard displaying Academic Planning Database (APDB) Census Snapshot Dates by Term in Campus Data Warehouse is displaying the wrong title "Admissions Funnel"
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Also, the date displayed on the Navigation and Help dashboard for the "Most Recent APDB Census Snapshot" did not update to show the most recent term available after the recent Fall 2024 Census data load.
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Requested by: Michael Dorsch
Created by: Michael Dorsch on Thu 10/24/24 2:41 PM Pacific Daylight Time