Dynamic Default Academic Year / Term Controls Not Updating

The Campus Data Warehouse team is aware of a problem with various ERS dashboards in production where the default control values are not updating to the most recent available data. We are currently working on a solution. A general resolution is estimated to be available by October 31, but some dashboards may need to be addressed on a case-by-case basis and could take longer.

In the meantime, you may need to manually change the "Academic Year" and "Term" controls on the dashboards to view the updated data.

This issue is being worked on in ITSR#23487825 and ITSR#23487606


Ticket: 23487606 
Date created: Thu 10/17/24 9:10 AM Pacific Daylight Time
Service: Report a Problem / Computer Software/Application Problem

Update: Wynter Nichols assigned the "EDM-Campus Data Warehouse Team" group to this Incident on Thu 10/17/24 9:33 AM Pacific Daylight Time.

Title: Default prompt values are not updating with new loads

Default prompt values should reflect the term, year, date selections recommended for users, typically the most-recent census/daily/graded filter value. 

These appear not to be updating appropriately (GLOBAL)

Here's an example
Uploaded Image

this defaults to Spring 2024 but should default to Fall 2024 with the most recent load

another with dates
Uploaded Image

Requested by: Sathyan Sundaram
Created by: Sathyan Sundaram on Thu 10/17/24 9:10 AM Pacific Daylight Time



Ticket: 23487825 
Service: Report a Problem / Computer Software/Application Problem
Date created: Thu 10/17/24 9:30 AM Pacific Daylight Time

Title: Dynamic Defaults Not Updating

The Dynamic Default Table in Campus Data Warehouse production is not updating as expected after 2024 Summer and Fall ERS applicant and student census data loads. This impacts numerous dashboards where default Academic Year and Term controls are not automatically updating to the most recent values.Uploaded ImageUploaded Image

Requested by: Michael Dorsch
Created by: Michael Dorsch on Thu 10/17/24 9:30 AM Pacific Daylight Time