Resolved Issue: Enrollment Fast Facts (Census) > College / Major Filters Available

Update 10/28/2024: This issue has been resolved. The updated Enrollment Fast Facts (Census) dashboard is now available in production. College Description, Degree, Group, and Major Long Description have replaced Academic Plan filter controls across all dashboard pages and are working as expected.

Original message:
The Campus Data Warehouse team is aware of an issue with the Enrollment Fast Facts (Census) dashboard in production, where the filter controls available on the dashboard do not align with the fields used in the table visualizations on the dashboard. We are working on fixing the issue.

In the meantime, if you need to filter for College / Degree Group / Major Long Description, you may use the ad hoc filters.
Ticket: 23471336 
Service: Report a Problem / Computer Software/Application Problem
Date created: Mon 10/14/24 4:54 PM Pacific Daylight Time

Title: Enrollment Fast Facts (Census) > Replace Academic Plan Filter Controls with College / Major

The filter controls on the Enrollment Fast Facts (Census) dashboard are inconsistent with the columns displayed on the dashboard table visualizations, which is confusing. The filter controls are for the Academic Plan dimension and the table visualization fields are from the CSU Major Concentration dimension.

We need to replace the Academic Plan controls with College / Degree Group / Major Long Description.

Dashboards impacted: Dashboards > Enrollment > Enrollment Fast Facts (Census). This impacts all dashboard subpages
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Also, update the layout to avoid table scrollbars and fix the Region drill table to hide collapsed columns.
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Requested by: Michael Dorsch
Created by: Michael Dorsch on Mon 10/14/24 4:54 PM Pacific Daylight Time