Resolved: ERS Student Dashboards - Visualization Problems fixed
Updated 12/11/2024:
Visualization fixes are now available in Campus Data Warehouse production for the following ERS Student dashboards:
- Shared folders > Dashboards > Chancellor's Office Reports > Enrollment Planning Report (EPR) > Enrollment Planning Report (EPR).
- Select FTEs metric selector fixed (corrected typo and error in logic so that correct data displays when changing metric).
- Select FTEs metric selector fixed (corrected typo and error in logic so that correct data displays when changing metric).
- Shared folders > Dashboards > WASC > WASC.
- Annual Report.
- Fix the "Student Funding Type" filter to "Include" "Self Support" and "State Support" on Student Enrollment (new) and (old).
- Fix the "Academic Plan Type" filter to "Include" "Certificate" and the "Academic Load" filter to "Exclude" "No Unit Load" on the "Certificates" table.
- On the "Programs by Modality" table, sort ascending on "College Description", filter "Program Delivery" to "Exclude" "Not Applicable", add the missing "WASC Modality" column to the table.
- Fix the "Student Funding Type" filter to "Include" "Self Support" and "State Support" on Student Enrollment (new) and (old).
- Retention.
- Fix colors on First Generation graphs.
- Fix colors on First Generation graphs.
- Graduation.
- Fix colors on First Generation graphs.
- Fix colors on First Generation graphs.
- Annual Report.
Original issue:
Ticket - 23412688
Service - Report a Problem / Computer Software/Application Problem
Update - Changed Status from In Process to Completed.
Title - ERS Student Dashboards: Visualization Problems in PRD
The following visualization problems need to be fixed on ERS Student dashboards in QS PRD:
Shared Folders / Dashboards >
Documented in the following Google Sheet: com/spreadsheets/d/ 1MsbFTaKXiQ7CKcEv1BsXZ_- CzpYxULXoMd4jhUZAPyc/edit?usp= sharing
TSS-Help Desk, please assign to Michael Dorsch
Requested by - Michael Dorsch
Created by - Michael Dorsch on Tue 10/1/24 10:40 AM Pacific Daylight Time
The following visualization problems need to be fixed on ERS Student dashboards in QS PRD:
Shared Folders / Dashboards >
Chancellor's Office Reports | Enrollment Planning Report (EPR) | Enrollment Planning Report (EPR) | Comments | Both STG and PRD FTES - Student Level 2 - Annualized FTEs doesn't match OBIEE; also FTES - New Students 2-Annualized State FTEs wrong | |
*Note: this issue was resolved with SR23452078 and is already in production | |||||
WASC | WASC | Annual Report | Comments | In both STG and PRD data is wrong for 2023 compared to OBIEE because Student Funding Type filter is wrong in QS |
TSS-Help Desk, please assign to Michael Dorsch
Requested by - Michael Dorsch
Created by - Michael Dorsch on Tue 10/1/24 10:40 AM Pacific Daylight Time