Resolved: Academic Class Dashboards: Graduate and Non-Graduate Student Enrollment Units Metrics

Update 2/12/2025: 
The Courses (Non-Census) Overview and Class Schedule dashboards in production now reflect the fix for "Non-Graduate Student Enrollment Units Total" and "Graduate Student Enrollment Units Total".
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Original issue:

The Campus Data Warehouse team is aware of a problem with the Courses (Non-Census) Overview and Class Schedule > Multilevel Crosstab Table dashboards in production where there is a typo in the "Graduate Student Enrollment Units Total" and "Non-Graduate Student Enrollment Units Total" metrics. We are currently working on a solution. 

This issue is being worked on in ITSR# 23963954. Date reported: Wed 1/29/25 3:21 PM Pacific Standard Time


Ticket: 23963954 
Date created: Wed 1/29/25 3:20 PM Pacific Standard Time
Service: Report a Problem / Computer Software/Application Problem

Title: Academic Class Dashboards: Graduate and Non-Graduate Student Enrollment Units Metrics

There is a typo in the "Graduated Student Enrollment Units Total" and "Non-Graduated Student Enrollment Units Total" metrics on the Courses (Non-Census) Overview and Class Schedule dashboards in Campus Data Warehouse.

These should be "Graduate" and "Non-Graduate".

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QuickSight changes only (both dataset and analyses updates needed.

Requested by: Michael Dorsch
Created by: Michael Dorsch on Wed 1/29/25 3:20 PM Pacific Standard Time