College and Major Long Description Controls Functionality

The Campus Data Warehouse team is aware of a problem in production where College and Major Long Description controls on Institution Summary dashboards (e.g. Retention and Graduation and Graduation Initiative 2025) function differently in our modernized data warehouse than they did in our legacy system. This issue likely is a global issue for ERS (Census)-based dashboards.

You need to select both old and new college and major names when using the filter controls on dashboards or you will not see all historical data. For old and new college and major names see Major/Concentration - Name Changes (CSUMB).

This issue is being worked on in ITSR#23481686.

Ticket: 23481686 
Service: Report a Problem / Computer Software/Application Problem
Date created: Wed 10/16/24 9:46 AM Pacific Daylight Time

Title: Institution Summary Dashboards: Major Concentration

Institution Summary - Graduation Initiative (global for Inst Summary?) College at Matriculation

In dashboards, selecting old defunct colleges such as "College of Professional Studies" returns data in QS but does not in OBIEE. The example below is for Graduation Initiative 2025 - Additional Graduates Needed > FTFTF 5-Year Goal, but applies globally across the Institution Summary dashboards in QS.

Seems like in OBIEE there was some kind of mapping done to map majors to existing colleges. Or maybe College at Matriculation is sourced from a different source than Oracle? Look at the format of the College at Matriculation description: "Coll of Professional Std" in Oracle vs "College of Professional Studies" in QS.

See existing Jira issue:

From team comments: Major Concentration --needs modeling

Requested by: Michael Dorsch
Created by: Michael Dorsch on Wed 10/16/24 9:46 AM Pacific Daylight Time