
Showing posts from October, 2024

Academic Plan and CSU Major Concentration Issues on Dashboards

The Campus Data Warehouse team is aware that several dashboards display Academic Plan filter controls, but CSU Major Concentration fields (e.g., College Description) are displayed as the default group breakdown.  On Census snapshotted dashboards, this may result in some records appearing different between the Academic Plan and CSU Major Concentration fields due to the timing of when these data are "frozen" for the snapshot. The Academic Plan fields can reflect changes made to a student's academic plan between the Census and when the data are loaded into the Campus Data Warehouse.  Example of mismatches between CSU Major Concentration and Academic Plan fields on Enrollment (Census) - Term Trends dashboard:  The solution we are pursuing is to enhance the Academic Plan dimension across several data models and to emphasize those fields on the dashboards as the default Group Breakdown selections going forward, but that development will take a few months and is not expected to ...

Resolved Issue: Enrollment Fast Facts (Census) > College / Major Filters Available

Update 10/28/2024 : This issue has been resolved. The updated Enrollment Fast Facts (Census) dashboard is now available in production. College Description, Degree, Group, and Major Long Description have replaced Academic Plan filter controls across all dashboard pages and are working as expected.

Resolved Issue: Admissions Funnel (Census) Overview - Fall 2024 Now Displays

Update 10/28/2024 : The issue has been resolved. You will now find 2024 Fall data on the Admissions Funnel (Census) Overview dashboard in production.

Faculty Student Success - Major (Academic Plan) Not Displaying on My Graded Class List

  The Campus Data Warehouse team is aware of a problem with the Faculty Student Success dashboard in production where Major (Academic Plan) is not displaying as expected on the My Graded Class List. We are currently working on a solution.  This issue is being worked on in ITSR# 23527400. Date reported: Thu 10/25/24   Ticket : 23527400   Date created : Fri 10/25/24 11:50 AM Pacific Daylight Time Service : Report a Problem / Computer Software/Application Problem Update : Amy Marbach assigned the "EDM-Campus Data Warehouse Team" group to this Incident on Fri 10/25/24 1:32 PM Pacific Daylight Time. Title: academic plan not populating on FSSD academic plan (major) is not displaying on My Graded Class List Requested by: Sathyan Sundaram Created by: Sathyan Sundaram on Fri 10/25/24 11:50 AM Pacific Daylight Time    

Resolved Issue: Campus Data Warehouse Production Available Again

Update 10/25/2024 : Campus Data Warehouse production is now available to users again.  If you notice any additional problems, please submit a problem ticket .

New Feature: Alerts Now Available on Navigation and Help Dashboard

New feature available! Campus Data Warehouse users will now be able to see active alerts from the Campus Data Warehouse Updates blog directly within the Navigation and Help dashboard in Campus Data Warehouse. Reminder: You can add this dashboard to your favorites so that it is easy to find when you log in to Campus Data Warehouse 

Resolved Issue: Degrees (Census) - Academic Years Detail > CSU Academic Plan Owner Filter Broken

Update 10/24/2024:  The problem has been resolved and the updated dashboards are now available to users in Campus Data  Warehouse production. You will now find the CSU Academic Plan Owner filter control contains the correct values and filters the dashboard as expected.

Institution Summary (Retention and Graduation) Inflated Retention Rates in QuickSight

The Campus Data Warehouse team is aware of a problem in production where retention rates on the Retention and Graduation dashboards in QuickSight are inflated as compared with our legacy system dashboards. We suspect that students are being counted as retained even if they have a zero unit load. We are currently investigating and working on a solution.  In the meantime, you may continue to use the Retention and Graduation dashboards in our legacy data warehouse available at . The Retention and Graduation dashboards in QuickSight remain unavailable to users until we work to resolve this and a few other issues. This issue is being worked on in ITSR# 23520439.   Ticket : 23520439   Date created : Thu 10/24/24 8:34 AM Pacific Daylight Time Service : Report a Problem / Computer Software/Application Problem Title: Institution Summary (Retention and Graduation) Inflated Retention Rates in QuickSigh...

Duplications Causing Inflated Values for Metrics on APDB Dashboards

The Campus Data Warehouse team is aware of a problem in production where Academic Planning Database (APDB) dashboards display inflated values for the 2024 Fall census data due to duplication of values for some classes in the database. We are currently working on a solution. A resolution is estimated to be available by mid-November. In the meantime, you may use the APDB dashboard in our legacy data warehouse which remains available at . This issue is being worked on in ITSR# 23514725.   Ticket : 23514725   Date created : Wed 10/23/24 9:06 AM Pacific Daylight Time Service : Report a Problem / Computer Software/Application Problem Title: Fall 2024 Duplications Causing Inflated Values for Metrics on APDB Dashboards After the Fall 2024 (2244) APDB census load in AWS, we are seeing inflated metric values on the APDB Dashboards in QuickSight.  This appears to be caused by duplications in Redshift....

Fall and Summer 2024 APDB Census Data Available

The Campus Data Warehouse has been loaded with APDB census data for the fall and summer of 2024.  Alert! We are working on a  problem where we are getting duplicate records that are causing some metric values to be inflated on the dashboards in QuickSight. In the meantime, you may use the APDB dashboard in our legacy data warehouse, which remains available at You may now find updated census data on the following dashboards: Overviews: APDB Overview Courses: Academic Planning Database (APDB) > APDB Section - Annualized FTES Academic Planning Database (APDB) > APDB Section - Avg Class Size and Credit Load Academic Planning Database (APDB) > APDB Section - Faculty Instruction Academic Planning Database (APDB) > APDB Section - Multilevel Crosstab Table Academic Planning Database (APDB) > APDB Section - Term FTES and SFR Academic Program Review: Student Faculty Ratio > State Sessions (APDB) Common Data Set I - Classes Note: This is the fi...

Fall and Summer 2024 ERS Applicant and ERS Student Census Data Available

The Campus Data Warehouse has been loaded with ERS applicant and student census data for the fall and summer of 2024.  We are working on a problem where the dynamic default control values are not updating as intended. You may have to change the "Academic Year" and "Term" controls on the dashboards to view the updated data.  You may now find updated census data on the following dashboards: Overviews: Enrollment (Census) Overviews Admissions Funnel (Census) Overview (Note: we are working on a problem on this dashboard where several visuals are not updating to display the 2024 Fall data)  Enrollment: Enrollment (Census) > Terms Detail Enrollment (Census) > Academic Years Detail Term Enrollment Fast Facts > Enrollment Fast Facts (Census) Admissions: Admissions Funnel (Census Snapshots) > Admissions Funnel Detail Academic Program Review: Admissions Demographics Several Common Data Set and Chancellor's Office Reports dashboards. Note: This is the first r...

Dynamic Default Academic Year / Term Controls Not Updating

The Campus Data Warehouse team is aware of a problem with various ERS dashboards in production where the default control values are not updating to the most recent available data. We are currently working on a solution. A general resolution is estimated to be available by October 31, but some dashboards may need to be addressed on a case-by-case basis and could take longer. In the meantime, you may need to manually change the "Academic Year" and "Term" controls on the dashboards to view the updated data. This issue is being worked on in ITSR#23487825 and ITSR#23487606   Ticket : 23487606   Date created : Thu 10/17/24 9:10 AM Pacific Daylight Time Service : Report a Problem / Computer Software/Application Problem Update : Wynter Nichols assigned the "EDM-Campus Data Warehouse Team" group to this Incident on Thu 10/17/24 9:33 AM Pacific Daylight Time. Title: Default prompt values are not updating with ne...

Equity Gaps Dashboards (Retention & Graduation and Grades) CA Legal Gender Broken SR23366232

Update 10/4/2024:  The Course GPA Equity Gaps dashboard has been fixed in production to accommodate the changed "CA Legal Gender" labels of "Woman" and "Man" made to OASIS last month. You may now again use this dashboard to see Course GPA Equity Gaps for courses between students identifying as "Woman" or "Man".  The Retention and Graduation Detail > Equity Gaps remain unavailable to users as we continue to work on fixing issues with 'rehoming' returning students and the CA Legal Gender label changes.     Ticket : 23366232   Service : Report a Problem / Computer Software/Application Problem Date created : Fri 9/20/24 2:47 PM Pacific Daylight Time Title: Equity Gaps Dashboards (Retention & Graduation and Grades) CA Legal Gender Broken Changed values for "CA Legal Gender" have broken the Equity Gaps analyses on the following dashboards: Dashboards > Retention and ...

Migration Problems in QuickSight Breaking Some Dashboards

We are experiencing ongoing issues with migrations of dashboards from the QuickSight stage to production environments in Campus Data Warehouse where some visualizations with conditional display rules or conditional formatting are breaking when migrating to production. This may result in the following scenarios: View selectors not working as expected or not displaying the selected objects Visuals seem to overlap on the dashboard Conditional color or symbol formatting based on metrics not working on the dashboard Not correct: Correct:  Errors appear on the dashboard after migration While we are doing our best to test and fix these problems after any migration to production, the complex interactive nature of our dashboards makes it difficult to test every scenario.  If you see any of these problems, please submit a Campus Data Warehouse problem ticket .